In the second week I didn't take as much photos because we spent a lot of time 'studying'. So there wasn't as much things to see!
During class... :DAt night when we all got our needles. As you can see, Maddy's totally excited to get hers!
Soph's making sure that it actually went in.. Haha
This is Maddy sleeping and studying. She told us that while she was sleeping the words from her book would transfer into her head, as she was literally sleeping on her books! HahaAll the people who got the Austrian traditional clothes!
Before class... testing their strengths!
I saw this in SPAR at laughed. They are Mozart alcohol shots. All the alcohol is available just in normal supermarkets I find it so strange!
Sophie yelling at Maddy and Jackie through the stairs. Totally attractive. Haha!
This was after our adventure in buying Martina, our teacher, her present!
Us holding Martina's present while Maddy bought the MERCI chocolates as well which I insisted on getting, not the milka ones!
This was before going down for the Talent Show and Games Night. I was in the Green team hence the clothes and Sophie was in Black! :D
That's Clare wearing my yellow ski pants...sigh
Someone wants their food BAD
Yes, I do have green spots on my face because Celly put them on. Dont worry I'm not suddenly getting green freckles on my face.
Our two hosts for the Talent show.
Facu and Guri doing the first act which was a Magic show.
The decorations put up by the Game organizers.
Some of them did a traditional Austrian dance.
Then there was the guy push-up or sit-up competition!
Magnificent Isaisas playing the violin.
These were taken during the Games Night!
Ingrid loves the attention!
The mascots for each team!
Go Green!
Our teachers! Plus Ashleigh in the background.
The scoreboard. Though in all true honesty Green should have won!
The teams are obvious so I wont bother writing everyone's!
The two organisers of our Games night! Thanks for everything!
Love this girl and her fashion taste!
Then all the girls got a little crazy and had the mission to slap each other's bottoms! Haha! It was quite hilarious because Sophie then accidentally proceeded to punch Celly in the face and made her lip bleed. Haha!
I know this photo is blurry but i love it all the same!
This was afterwards when Maddy and I stole the decorations to decorate our room tomorrow for the giving of the present! :D
We're not crazy at all! :D
Last lunch for Maddy! :( She left early because she was going to go skiing with her host family!
What a genius!
All of us in Maddy and I's room before she left for the last time!
Shocked at something?
Maddy and Leo's farewell party. They were both going together though both their host families were bringing them to different ski trips.
Back in class, and we had another teacher... SOPHIE! She became out teacher for the vocab test and was hilarious! She perfected most of Martina's faces though didn't know if some of the articles for the vocab was right! Haha!
Real pretty!
Martina gave us this as a prize for I guess just participating in our epic Vocab test that we do regularly!
Larissa and Sophie got this as a prize for winning the Vocab quiz. But Sophie got a diet one... for some unknown reason... or not.. Haha jokes!
I didn't realise the height difference until they stood right next to each other! And by then I simply had to take a photo of them together!
I don't know them!
The lunch where Sophie, Jackie and I were awesome enough to sit with Martina on the teacher's table!
And so our fun times in the elevator began! We're totally mature!
This was the next day where Sophie was leaving early to go to Vienna with her class!
The epic children's book that Larissa and I tried to read throughout the two weeks and never got to finish! It's the awesome book for Paul and his pony. Paul being the pony and pony meaning a ponytail. Haha.
The last time we would leave this class! :(
It was a sad moment for us all! :(
This was Larissa's only friend at lunch. My dejected sandwich from breakfast!
All the girls wanting to take a photo with the good-looking chef!
I stumbled innocently upon this scene!
This Larissa leaving on the same day as Sophie in the afternoon though with Jackie! :(
Despite his figure, he's actually quite strong, though I beat him in arm wrestling!
Vale being me and my asian eyes! Haha!
It's insane but I came down an hour later and somehow Ashleigh managed to do this!
Sorry guys, but I didnt take any photos when I went ice-skating! I was too busy trying not to fall which I did anyways around 3 times! But I didnt want to risk my camera as I know that I'm an accident pro. Haha. But Ana Paula and I asked these guys if we could take a photo with them since they looked cool. Afterwards Doris told us off for looking like tourists but... we ARE tourists! HahaSunday Morning! Saying bye to our room for 2 weeks. It was so strange and sad! :(
The common room!
My hotel card which was stressful to look after!
On the train with Ross, Jamie, Thales and Ashleigh! Only for 40 minutes with them.
Ross, Ash and my farewell to Thales and Jamie who was going the opposite direction to Wien!
Yes, I didn't photo shop it but it says the original cannabis Ice Tea. It's so strange!
This was our photo with a cool guys we became friends with on the train ride home! He was on the way to his grandmother in Innsbruck! It was fun talking to him! It made the 6 hour trip home more bearable! :DAnd that commences the language camp! Anywhos, I'll type later!
With love, from Austria,