Friday, March 11, 2011

Birthdays, Kindigartens and Parcels

So finally, I'm back wiht more news to tell about the end of Faschings! But first continuing on the last things I've been talking about. Last Saturday was Emily's 18th Birthday! So her host family invited all the host families and the exchange students for a birthday celebration! We had a nice breakfast in which I found the missed favourite breakfast meal of FRENCH TOAST! There I also met two other exchange students staying with Emily for the night which was Catalina, from USA living in Feldkirch and Deanna, from Canada living in Innsbruck! It was wonderful meeting more people and just talking to them!

The birthday girl getting her cake from Tyler's host dad

And obviously during birthdays, there's a lot of presents and this time was no exception!

Catalina on the left and Emily opening her first BIG present! :D

Some of her host brother's friends and Tyler played a nice accompaniment! 

After all that JAZZ! We helped her host brother and his friends dress up for the Fasching parade that Tyler and I attended later. They ended up wanting to dress up as girls... Haha we didn't force them at all! 

The make up was done by Catalina!

And then the boys started to get a bit extreme

Anyways, soon after Tyler and I had to attend the parade a Lauterach which is the next suburb/town to Wolfurt. This time I brought my camera and now you can finally understand how extreme some costumes are!

And it's Winnie-the-Pooh, Winnie-the-Pooh, chubby little fellow and stuffed with fluff it's...


This is the candy we throw out. You have to remember that this goes along the whole float and we constantly fill it up during the parade. Hence a LOT of candy gone... spent.... eaten...

Some of the other members were dancing to the music that was pumping out of our float! 

This is in the middle of the parade, where I took a quick snapshot! Look at the ton of people up ahead!

Oh yea your eyes aren't failing you. There are three of the four tellytubbies there!

After the parade at Lauterach, I rested at home for a while before going to Linda's house to celebrate Emily and Sophie's, a friend of Linda, birthdays. Sophie turned 17 on the Wednesday prior. Linda baked two cakes for us which was absolutely delicious! Ross, Alex, Linda's younger cousin was there when I arrived. Emily, Deanna, Tyler and Steffani joined us later. 

There's Emily posing with her soon to be best friend for the night. I just stayed with the always safe orange juice. 

Me with the other birthday girl, Sophie!

Afterwards Alex, Linda, Sophie, Linda's boyfriend went on to their separate ways to go to another friend's birthday party and meet another person. But the rest of us headed towards Altach? (Not too sure on specifics) to go to a disco there called Eventhaus, which, in my opinion, was better than K-shake! However on arriving there Johanna realised that she left her camera on the train. So Deanna stayed with Johanna at the train station to see if they could somehow get her camera back. We notified the already gone Emily on the bus who nearly broke our ears with her shrieks! Haha claiming that Deanna had her ID and money! Luckily Steffani talked to the security guard who somehow miraculously let Emily in with an 18+ band. Eventhaus was so much nicer however didn't really stay long or danced much since 1/2 in, the toliet became Emily's best friend! Haha, though it wasn't ideal for us to spend most of our time in the bathroom, we had a few laughs at the most randomest things which was more a highlight! Arrived home safely that night with a smile on my face! :D

So on Sunday Tyler, Steffani and I attended another parade at Bregenz! Here are just more photos of that day. 

This is how many boxes of Manner, an Austrian chocolate waffle things were lined against the side of the float. We finished the 4 rows and took out more during the parade because the parade was insanely long! 

Everyone getting ready!

Deanna and Emily briefly stopped by our float before actually seeing the whole of the parade. 

If you can't see it properly but this group dressed up as the cartoons from Asterix!

The parade up ahead!

 That was the only day which had nothing planned at night which was kind of a relief for me. It was a nice break to actually be at home for once!

On Monday was still Faschings which started at 7.00am! I kid you not! So basically what we did the whole morning was visit all the Kindigartens in Bregenz. At first it was fun but then towards the end it got tiring as the same routine was played in each Kindigarten we visited. At each Kindigarten basically what we would do is come in and then the Prince and Princess would come in to the rhythm of the band's song. All the children would be in awe of our greatness (haha, jokes) and then the children would do a performance for us. Then the royal couple would tell me a story (and it's the same story for every kindigarten) and remind them of the one thousand Krapfen day/parade for the next day and then we would proceed to hand to each child the bag of goodies and the badge neckalace thing.



The boy was a hardcore dancer with epic dancing skills while the girl was just sitting down chilling away, too cool for school. Haha!

How awesome is that HAT?!


The Prince gave us free leberkase to eat on the way, which satisfied our stomachs! 

This was an English Kindigarten and the woman to the left is my counsellor at my Rotary Club, Barbara!

How adorable is this baby's outfit! Just about everyone took photos!









This was an epic throne that this Kindigarten made for the royal couple!


Finally when we finished, someone shouted us food which was so GOOD! Like they used big pretzels and then made them into sandwiches and then cut them up. All of them were so good but the best one was TUNA! I don't know why but I missed tuna sandwiches so much! It was also Bum Bum (the big buy's nickname) name and they gave him a slightly unusual birthday cake! Haha! It's GINORMOUS but awesome! 

I came home to wonderful surprise of receiving a parcel from my mum which had some of my favourite food and clothes but most of all the wonderful and all-missed SHIN RAMEN. Despite the fact that I wasn't really starving at the time I made them anyways! I added in two eggs because I wasn't sure if I could handle how hot it was since I didn't have hot food for just about since I've left Australia! 

Maurice came to try some! Haha and he couldn't stand how hot it was! So he drank heaps of juice while trying some, that's without the soup and it was still too hot so he even resorted to eating it with bread! I laughed so much because he was telling me that he couldn't finish how much I gave him because 'I'm a man' only 10 mins later giving up saying that he couldn't take out and in a disappointed voice saying 'Sorry Vivian, I'm a woman!' Haha! Good times

I initially had a ball on Tuesday night but was just simply too tired to go! So slept! :D Which was good! Anyways, I'll update more later!

With love, from Austria


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