Saturday, April 30, 2011

Morocco Day 2: Flowers, the Markets and Rabat

So the second day of Morocco! In the morning, Maurice and I wandered together around the hotel just after breakfast! It was extremely quiet and so different from the loud scenes that we saw the previous night.

Every morning, there is a flower market which sells all these fresh flowers in cool arrangements! However, they are sold at very cheap prices and not all bought. But they are open everyday! We also followed some asian tourists for a while, just for the fun for it! Haha! However, the confronting thing was the poverty that was evident everywhere we went. I took a photo of the hospital after taking a photo of the flower market. The condition it was in said enough and Maurice and I stood there for a while just looking at it...

When we came back to the hotel, we found that a random guy had given all the girls bouquets of roses! Okay, with the photos and what I type hopefully that you can correlate what I write... I put up the link in the previous post...

Anyways, so we walked towards the markets! One thing in the markets that stood out where the million of stands that sold orange juice, meaning freshly squeezed orange juice! It's everywhere! Plus there are so many stray cats everywhere! I thought there were a lot of cats in Austria already but there are about 100% more cats in Morocco and all stray!

The markets were awesome, though we didn't stop long enough to shop and we were promised that we would go another day. Also all the streets were pretty awesome because there were all white and the bottom would be painted blue. The reason is because Rabat is one of the four kingdoms in Morocco in which the King lives in. Each kingdom has a colour and the Rabat's blue. And Maurice totally blended in with the walls because of his clothes! Haha! Made me totally laugh!

We stopped by the cafe that looked out to the sea which was beautiful! We had delicious Moroccan biscuits and had Moroccan tea! The tea was so nice and I know it sounds weird but it was so tasty. It was mint leaves, green tea, hot water and a hell of a lot of sugar! I know it sounds retarded, but it was one of the best teas I've ever had! Unfortunately they said that you cannot make it usually because the mint leaves were different there :( Anyways we walked on the beach and admired the view. This was the time in which I really missed Australia and it's beautiful beaches! Though the ocean smelled wonderful, the litter that scattered across the sand on the beach ruined it. There's basically a lot of rubbish everywhere. Plus how the graveyard was situated right next to the beach.... lol

For lunch we went to a nice restaurant next to the beach, which was absolutely AMAZING. The seafood here is just so tasty! The huge dishes here definitely filled us up and more probably! Lol. Afterwards we just headed back to the hotel and just chilled for the rest of the night!

Anyways... more about 3rd day later!

With love, from Austria

P.S. After the second photo of Maurice standing on a rock you have to skip a couple of photos until you reach the photo with the ocean and funny blocks!


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